Program Curriculum
The Orthopedic Surgery program has the primary goal of graduating well-rounded, highly competent orthopedic surgeons who can immediately practice orthopedics or pursue fellowships. Four residents are admitted annually through a highly selective process. Two through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) and two through the Military Match Program. The program's educational philosophy believes that the best environment for learning clinical medicine is achieved with 1 patient, 1 attending and 1 resident. Graduated responsibility in the operating room, as well as pre- and post-operative planning phases, is progressed so at the end of the program each resident is comfortable and competent in all subspecialty areas.
Required Rotations

Elective Rotations
Program Director: Dr. James Swenson, MD [email protected]
Associate Program Director, Womack Army Medical Center: Dr. Christopher Belyea, MD, MBA [email protected]
Associate Program Director, Cape Fear Valley: Dr. Benjamin Levine, MD [email protected]